AIIA and CCRAS jointly organised an Interactive meeting for Research and Education in Ayush

All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) and the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) jointly organised an Interactive meet for Research and Education in Ayush with a focus on R&D, Education and capacity building today at AIIA. The meeting was attended by Heads of all Ayush National Institutions, Research, Councils and advisors of MoA, the Chairman of NCSIM and NCH including five newly- distinguished appointed scientists Ayush Distinguished Scientist Chairs Dr. Nandini K. Kumar (Interdisciplinary Clinical Research), Dr. Arvind Chopra, (Public health and Epidemiology), Dr. Sharmila Shekhar Mande (Ayurveda Biology and Basic Sciences), Dr. Madhu Dikshit (Pharmaceutical Drug Development) and Dr. B.N. Gangadhar (Consciousness and Cognitive Sciences). The meeting took place in the august presence of the Sec ministry of Ayush Vd Rajesh Kotecha, Special Secretary P.K. Pathak and Prof (Dr) Tanuja Nesari, Director, AIIA, Prof. (Vd.) Rabinarayan Acharya, Director General (CCRAS) MDNIY Director Dr Ishwar V. Basavaraddi and Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan, National Ayush Chairs, Directors of National Institute, and research councils
The objective of the interactive meeting was to brainstorm and set goals to capitalize on the expertise and experience of the Chairs in academic and research avenues. The participants discussed the research education ecosystem in Ayush Colleges, at both graduation and post-graduation levels. The meeting was focused on Research & Development, Education & capacity building in the Ayush sector. All the Directors presented their success stories.
Vd. Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary of the Ministry of Ayush, said “Today we all have gathered here to brainstorm that how can we collectively use the expertise and knowledge of the distinguished chair and set up the goal for the future. The pandemic was an opportunity for Ayush to develop their science and Ayush did it by developing Ayush 64, etc. I would request the leaders to brainstorm and discuss how we can utilise Ayush science for our Young researchers which can help the country and the world,”.
Shri Pramod Kumar Pathak, Special Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, said “I would like to congratulate AIIA and CCRAS on organizing this meeting. This meeting will help researchers to get insights from Ayush Distinguished Chairs and know their experience in their field. An initiative like today’s was the need of the hour. The Ministry of Ayush is working to promote Ayush’s patents and research”.
Welcoming everyone Prof. (Dr) Tanuja Nesari, Director AIIA said, “It is a historic movement when Administrators, Policy makers, Education experts, Researchers and distinguished Scientists have come under one platform. The opportunity is provided by the Ministry of Ayush and we would like to thank Ministry for it. We are blessed and honoured to host the distinguished chairs supported by CCRAS. We are working for ages, but this is our first official meet, and it is the biggest opportunity to showcase each other success stories and learn by fulfilling our gaps. This platform gives us an opportunity to create an evidence-based Ayurveda creating disciplinary models and integration.
Prof. Vd Rabinarayan Acharya, Director General CCRAS, said “When we compare Ayush with Chinese alternative method of treatment, it has much more potential to go high. During COVID time Ayush system has registered more clinical studies, in comparison to the Chinese system of medicines It is the reason we are here today, to generate pathways to expand the horizon of Ayush. It is high time to give much priority to research,”.
To carry forward the work the Ministry of Ayush has appointed five Ayush Distinguished Scientist Chairs in the domains of Interdisciplinary Clinical Research, Public Health and Epidemiology, Ayurveda Biology and Basic Sciences, Pharmaceutical Drug Development and Consciousness and Cognitive Sciences.