Introducing MISSO - knee replacement robot by Meril

Introducing MISSO - knee replacement robot by Meril

Meril, an India-based global medical device company, today announced the launch of its advanced surgical robotic technology, MISSO. MISSO is a high-quality robotic system entirely made in India that provides surgeons with real-time assistance during knee replacement procedures with unparalleled accuracy. Indian hospitals currently depend on imported robotic technology for knee replacement surgeries which requires a significant investment. MISSO will reduce this investment by ~66%, making these surgeries more accessible and affordable. The versatile technology of MISSO can be adapted for other joint surgeries in the near future.

Total knee replacement (TKR) is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or worn-out knee joint with an artificial joint made of metal and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Knee replacement surgery is necessary for patients who suffer from severe osteoarthritis. This condition is highly prevalent in India, occurring in around 22 to 39 per cent of the population. Today about, ~5.5 lakh people undergo total knee replacement in India every year, which is 2.5 times the number of such procedures conducted annually about five years ago.  Although its adoption is on the rise, the need for knee replacement surgeries annually is 7-8 times higher than the current number of surgeries performed in India. Currently, only 20% of surgeons perform 80% of knee replacement surgeries (approx.). 

Mr. Manish Deshmukh, Head of Marketing, India & Global, at Meril, says, “Meril is pleased to bring MISSO, which has the potential to democratise robotic knee replacement surgery in India. The prevalence of osteoarthritis has surged from ~23 million to 62 million in the last 20-25 years, making it the second-largest disease modality after cardiovascular conditions.[ii] The gap between the need and adoption of knee replacement surgery can be addressed more efficiently by the widespread use of robotic surgery. Currently, the affordability of robotic surgery procedures is a challenge in India. Hospitals also hesitate to invest in imported robotic systems because it requires the training of surgeons and OT staff and a long turnaround time for service-related requests. With MISSO, we aim to address these challenges by providing the platform indigenously alongside an ecosystem of training and support that will make robotic surgery highly accessible, not only in metros but also in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities”.

MISSO has received approval from CDSCO and is queued up for CE and USFDA approvals in times to come. Through the use of a robotic system, the success rate of knee replacement surgery is close to ~98%. The robotic system also helps surgeons who are relatively less experienced to achieve a similar degree of precision and accuracy as experienced surgeons. This can help achieve a more even distribution of surgeries and greater standardization of treatment with a higher rate of positive outcomes across national health systems.

Misso has the smallest footprint in the OR as a robotic system for knee replacement, making it ideal for use even in small hospitals. The use of AI in this system reduces the pre-operative planning time by ~83% and improves personalisation. Other features of the product include increased precision and safety during the procedure. The level of personalisation contributes to better operative outcomes and reduced risk of complications. Patients can expect improved joint function and a quicker return to their daily activities, making knee replacement a less cumbersome procedure.

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