Quote on Technology Day

Quote on Technology Day
Michael Hurlston, CEO, Synaptics

From Synaptics, a Global Leader in High-Performance IoT Semiconductor Solutions

Mr Michael Hurlston, President and CEO, Synaptics states, "On National Technology Day, we take a moment to celebrate the extraordinary power of technology which has transformed our lives. As a global leader in solutions that sense, process and connect to enable the Internet of Things and the AI revolution, we at Synaptics would like to specifically highlight the ubiquitous significance of semiconductor chips which serve as the brains of products and services that make our lives safer, more efficient, and enjoyable. Semiconductors enable the products we use every day at home, at work, and on the go, be it, smartphones, computers, access to the internet, home appliances, automation and entertainment systems, automobiles, and countless other electronic systems.

The success and impact of semiconductors depends on continued innovation, the key to future life-changing advancements in health, science, energy, climate, transportation, security, and other critical areas. National Technology Day reminds of us of the importance of investing in the talent and expertise needed to expand the capabilities of this industry. India has some of the best semiconductor engineers in the world, hence, we urge engineers to use their skills and contribute to the existing semiconductor ecosystem, particularly in the creativity in how these devices are designed. And we encourage students to consider engineering-related studies and careers to maintain the pace of innovation needed over the long term and continue to make our world a better place."

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